Two Powers Meditation (ADF DP Week 11)

The Two Powers Meditation is something that I’ve been doing for years.  I originally began my journey with the DP and ADF in 2007.  At that time, they did have the recording of the 2P meditation online.  I downloaded it onto my phone, and I used it quite frequently.  Honestly, I find that I liked it better in 2007 than I do now.  But, perhaps that will come with time.  I still remember the first time I really was able to block out the distractions and focus on the words of the guided meditation.  I was shocked by how cold the waters from the earth felt.  My body began to chill and the urge to grab a blanket almost knocked me out of my focus.  Even when I wasn’t actively working on the DP, I still liked to use the 2P meditation every now and again.  I prefer it for a grounding and centering visualization than a meditation session, but it all works out.  As I work with it more, it will be interesting to see how my preferences change (or stay the same).

Modern day problems

So when I signed up for the OBOD course (again), I chose to receive the audio CDs.  When I started the course before, in 2008, I loved them.  So I chose them again.  I liked that I could put headphones in and listen to them in bed, while falling asleep.  I would usually listen to them a few times awake and take notes, but every night I’d fall asleep to the various Gwersi.  So I order the audio version of the course.  I still have some of the audio CDs, but not all.  I am missing, for example, the introductory package, Gwers 1-4 and 9-12 I think.  For some reason I have two sets of 13-16, but not the next set after that.  And I think I have a couple in the twenties, but I forget which ones.  Anyway…

My introductory package arrived in the mail today.  And yes, I did check the mail like five times a day for the past week.  It’s sad, pathetic really.  But the introductory package arrived.  YAY!

Here’s the problem:  I did not think this CD thing through.  So I bring in the intro package and I’m reading the material, and I go to insert the audio CD into my computer.  I’m looking.  And looking.  Apparently my pretty new desktop does not have a CD-ROM drive.  It seems those things are becoming obsolete.  Grrr.  Well, I have a laptop.  My kind sweet husband bought me an external CD/DVD drive for it like a year ago.  Unfortunately I haven’t ever used it.  When I tried to use it today, my laptop did not want to install the software.  At this point, I start thinking maybe I’m going to have to take the entire OBOD course sitting in my truck.  I can put SIX cds in that thing.

So now I’m sitting here with the introductory package (which of course I could just read), and a perpetual order for audio CDs from OBOD… and no freaking CD player.  I’m sure this will be funny in a few days… or weeks.  Too soon, bro.

I will not be deterred.  Tomorrow I’m going to buy a portable CD player (you know like the old school Walkman things for CDs?).  I know they still sell those suckers at Wal-Mart.  Then I can listen to my audio course happily in bed or wherever I want, as long as I don’t run out of batteries.

Good grief.

Beltane Ritual (ADF DP Week 10: Second High Day Recap)

My ritual text: 

 The High Day Ritual


Stand before your altar. Relax, and begin.

Feel the earth below you, the firm ground. Experience the earth as upholding you, as maintaining your weight. Feel the earth holding you, rather than you pushing against the earth.

 Earth Mother, I stand upon you today and recognize that we begin with you and we will end with you. Uphold me now as I give praise, and support me as I receive blessing.

 Statement of Purpose: As my ancestors did before me, so I do now, and so may my children do in the future. I come into this space today to celebrate the feast of Beltaine, the beginning of the Celtic summer and the bright days ahead. Today I will make offerings to the Ancestors, the Spirits of Nature, and the Shining Ones. Especially, I honor Belenos, the bright god of fire, and Sirona, the healing well.

I now begin, as a member of the pious folk, to make my offerings in joy and reverence.

 The waters support and surround me.

The land extends about me.

The sky stretches out above me.

At the center burns a living flame.

I call out to the Crane, Keeper of the Gates.

Though I walk on uncertain paths,

Though I travel on unmapped ground,

Guide me, ward me, and relay my voice

As I offer prayers and praise.

In your mind’s eye, see the sacred center open before you: watch the mists part, see the door to the Otherworld open, or watch the spiral of the magic from between the worlds reveal the Otherworld. The Gates are now open, and the true work can begin. Know that you are guarded by the Crane, a being of all three realms: land, sea, and sky.

 I call out to my ancestors, those who came before me, you of my blood and you of my heart. I seek to give you praise, to remember you now, and to honor you.

Think on your ancestors: see their faces, smile with joy at their presence. If you have praise or offerings to give them, do so now.

 I call out to the spirits of this place, the spirits of nature who are the soul of this land. I seek to give you praise, to call out to you now, and to honor you.

Think on the nature spirits: the faeries of the wood, the spirits of the land. If you have praise or offerings to give them, do so now.

I call out to the deities, first children, eldest and wisest. It is you to whom we look for guidance, and you who grant the greatest blessings. I seek to give you praise, to honor you now, to give you due worship.

Think on the deities: the great ones who bless our lives, who watch over us and show us that unconditional love. If you have praise or offerings to give them, do so now.

 Key Offerings:


Belenos, Sun King!

Hear my words as they arise on the fire!

From your fire comes my internal flame!

From you comes warmth and love!

Belenos, whose starry mantle shines in darkest night,

Bring forth within me the hidden inspiration I seek:

Draw the inspiration out.

Order it with your shining light; Belenos, give me Inspiration! Belenos, who is the sun, draw your bright chariot across the sky Warm me with the bright glow of fellowship: Bring me together with others to revel in your brilliant light;

Belenos, give me Fellowship!

Belenos, whose divinity is blinding, whose gifts cannot be fathomed

Show me your generosity, born from our long relationship:

From old bargains kept. Shine your blessings upon me!

Belenos, give me Blessings!

Belenos, give me your light!



Sirona, Lady of Healing Waters!

Hear my words as they resound in the well!

From your waters comes my own internal inspiration!

From you comes passion and healing!

Sirona, to look upon you is to see stars upon the water,

To know the subtle light of joy and song.

Light me softly, touch me with intuition and deep knowlege.

Sirona, give me inspiration!

Sirona, who is the firey light of sun on the waters,

Bright and powerful, lustrous and joyful,

A beauty to behold and a passionate sight.

Sirona, give me fellowship!

Sirona, who wells from the mother earth herself,

Bring forth the healing and blessings of the land.

Drench me in the blessings of the All-Mother.

Sirona, give me Blessings!

Sirona, give me your light!


[Make any Praise Offerings to the key deities]


Today, I have given of my praise and myself.

With love in my heart and devotion on my tongue

I call out now, with all my soul:

Accept my sacrifice!

Take a moment to visualize, as you shout this last statement, all of your blessings, praise, and intent flowing up to the gods, out to the spirits of nature, and down to the ancestors. Hold yourself in that moment, watching your praises flow from you, and prepare yourself for what may be offered in return.

Now, take your divination tool up.

 As I have given praise to the Powers, I open to them. If there are blessings to be had, what might the nature of those blessings be?

Draw three symbols: one for the Ancestors, one for the Nature Spirits, and one for the Deities. Examine each one, think about the omen offered, and consider how it might translate into blessings. See Appendix 1 for some common symbol meanings.

Now, take these omens and concentrate on their meanings, holding forth a cup of water or other beverage, saying:

 Indeed, the Powers offer me blessings. Now I seek the manifestation of those blessings, the outpouring from the Powers that offer them. To those who enter this exchange, pour forth your blessings into my cup!

Envision the blessings before you, either as a mist, or a vortex of energy, or as pictographic representations of individual blessings. Watch them pour into the cup, mixing and infusing with the liquid already inside.

This in my hands is a holy cup of magic, the great blessings offered to me as joyful return of my praises to the Kindreds. Here are the deep waters that flow within the earth and that rain from the sky. These are the waters of life!

I accept this blessing, and I drink it with love and knowledge of the Powers!


 Working: No specific recommendation. This is a good time for spells of healing and vigor.

 Now, with joy in my heart, I give thanks: To the beings of this occasion, thank you for your blessings. To the Deities, thank you for your blessings. To the Nature Spirits, thank you for your blessings. To the Ancestors, thank you for your blessings. To all those Powers who have aided me, thank you for your blessings.

 To the Crane, the Keeper of the Gates:

For guiding me and warding me

Thank you for your protection.

In your mind’s eye, see the sacred center close before you: watch the mists gather, see the door to the Otherworld close, or watch the spiral of the magic from between the worlds close in on the Otherworld. The Gates are now closed, and this rite is ending.

 Mother of all, to you I will return all things I have left unused. For supporting and upholding me in this rite, I thank you!

This rite is ended!

You should take all your unused offerings and empty them out, and remember that cleaning the altar and space is as impo

Discovering the Ruins (ADF DP Week 5: Nature Awareness 1)

Near my home, there is a little parking area on the side of the road marking the Tabby Ruins.  I’ve been meaning to go for a while, to see what type of “ruins” these may be.  Today, I went.  I was not disappointed.  The Tabby Ruins are the ruins of an old sugar works building.  In the grand scheme of things, I suppose they aren’t that old, but it suits my purposes.  The Ruins are set fairly far back from the road, so there is quiet and solitude.  There are nature trails branching off of the main ruins where one can walk into the surrounding woods.  Here are some pictures I took of the area:

The sign describing the history of Tabby Sugar Works.

The sign describing the history of Tabby Sugar Works.

As you approach the ruins from the parking area

As you approach the ruins from the parking area

Approaching the ruins

Directly at the front of the old building.

Directly at the front of the old building.

View from the front door

View from the front door

One of the side rooms

One of the side rooms

Another side view

Another side view

The middle room, side

The middle room, side

View toward front door from back of building

View toward front door from back of building

A tree stump inside the ruins :(

A tree stump inside the ruins 😦

One of the trails from the ruins

One of the trails from the ruins

I walked down this one a little ways, but I got attacked by bugs after about ten feet.  I’ll come back later with bug spray to explore this more.

At the parking area

At the parking area

I like this place a lot.  It never seems crowded, though I do see cars parked there sometimes. I’m not sure how much privacy I’d have in the ruins themselves, but I think I could definitely find some moments with nature down the trails.

Home Shrine/Altar (ADF DP Week 7)

So it’s kind of hard to really have a fun, permanent Home Shrine in my house.  I have children and a very large dog.  Everything that is mine is not mine.  In fact, nothing is mine, and everything is theirs.  At least that’s the way it seems to work out.  I have to hide anything I don’t want broken or played with.  So my altar tends to be a space I can expand and use when needed, but that can be put away easily.

There was a time when I had tons of crap on my altar.  I kept rocks and water and earth and acorns and god knows what else from everywhere.  I had them all packed in labelled storage bags.  I carted all that junk around with me through a few moves.  Lately, I’ve taken a simpler approach.  I still do love to collect things when on walks or adventures, but it’s become easier for me to let those things go once they’ve served their purpose.  I have started to prefer a cleaner look to my work space.  I want the area clean, uncluttered, and symmetrical.  For some reason, the lack of symmetry sometimes bothers me, lol don’t ask I can’t explain it.

I did go through and do an overhaul of my working space when I began the DP journey.  I cleaned out a lot of the stuff I don’t need.  Back to basics, remember?  Anyway, here are a few pictures of how I set it up for one particular working I performed recently:

20140519_203434Home Shrine20140519_203446


Beginning meditation (ADF DP Week 8)

Even though I’ve been meditating for years, I suppose I have to start the meditation journaling somewhere.  I am by no means an expert.  I tend to slack off.  I tend to meditate while lying down, and subsequently fall asleep.  I also tend to use meditation relaxation techniques as a way to help me fall asleep sometimes, which can be counterintuitive.

I was reading The Path of Druidryby Penny Billington (a member of OBOD) recently. Since I (re)joined OBOD the other day, I figured it would be good for me to read it. Anyway, the first few chapters have a few recommended exercises for relaxation, self-reflection, and visualization. I was doing one in which you imagine your own special place. A magical place of one’s own. I really liked it. I’ve seen other meditations where you imagine a place of working magic. I liked the way she led into it. The place felt more mine this way. And I look forward to repeating the exercise sometimes, to see what my mind has done to improve and evolve my special place.

I use a breathing count that is similar to the 4-4. Yet instead of using 4-4, I do 4-5. Four counts breath in, 5 counts breath out. This makes the total nine, and I count to nine instead of starting over at 1 with the first count of breathing out. I’ve used this method for a while, and it works well for me. I prefer to adjust the counts for my natural rhythm, rather than just slow the final four counts.

I did not use the Two Powers meditation this week. However, I do usually use it (or a similar visualization) for my Grounding and Centering. A few years ago, I downloaded the audio of it to my iPhone so that it became more portable. Nowadays, I don’t usually listen to the audio since I’ve heard it so much I can hear his voice in my mind if I choose.

As for the other visualizations in the chapter on Mental Training, I haven’t explored those in a while, so I will need to go back and do those more over time.

Regarding OBOD, I’m missing the first two Gwers so I will have to wait for snail mail to get those. I don’t want to skip ahead really, because if I remember correctly, the first two have some valuable visualization/dedication type stuff in them. For now, I can focus on bringing my meditation back to basics and improving my fundamentals.

Purification: Myself and Tools

During my Spring Equinox ritual, I performed my first oath, as well as a section on purification.  I had some tools that needed to be consecrated, and this was the perfect time for it.  I inserted the purification part of my ritual during the Working section, after my first oath.

To view the post which includes the full Spring Equinox ritual, click here.

The purification-specific part went as follows:

A Prayer for Purification

 [Light a candle, fill a vessel with water; concentrate on the flame]

 Sacred fire that consumes and transforms,

Burn away those things that hold me back.

Make me bright where the fire touches,

And illuminate those places cast in shadow.

[Asperse yourself with the waters]

Sacred well that flows and changes,

Wash away those things that stand in my way.

Make me shine where the water touches,

And cleanse me as it returns to the earth.

With this flame before me to light the way,

And this well beside me to quench my thirst:

Let my path be clear and bright,

As I am made shining this day.

 The Blessing of Tools

Place tools you want blessed on the altar]

 I call out now to the Kindreds:

To the Deities who make the land fertile,

To the Spirits of Nature who protect it,

And to the Ancestors who first learned to work it.

I seek to bring these blessings into my work,

To instill them in the tools I use each day.

Let the blessings of the Kindreds flow out,

Drenching my tools and the hands that hold them.

[Sprinkle the Waters of Life across the tools]

As I have given and received,

Let these blessings in the Waters flow!

Let them cleanse these tools, sharpen them,

And let them do the work they are meant to do.

[Pause, and visualize the blessings flowing into the tools]

As I take these tools up from now on,

I will know that they are blessed by the Kindreds,

That when I put my hand to them,

My hands are blessed by these powers also.

With these tools, I shall go forth with the blessings of the Kindreds.

So be it.

 And this work done, I take my omen:



The omen I drew at this point was the Wren – Reversed (Druid Animal Oracle).

I was struck by the point that certain actions (or more accurately inactions) might be resulting in “rendering you invisible.”  Recently I’ve been struggling with my own personal tendency to be a giant doormat when it comes to other people.  This sometimes becomes a strain in my life.  Perhaps I need to view my doormat tendencies as something that need to be “purified” from my life.  I waved my tools over some elements, sprinkled them with blessed water, and I considered them all sparkling and new.  Can it be that easy for myself as a person?  If I changed my viewpoint from “I’m working on it” to “I have been purified of this bad habit” would that make a difference?  There was also the mention of building on the work of others rather than doing the work myself.  I wonder if this brings up the point that I am following the courses as laid out by ADF and OBOD.  This, of course, is a good thing.  But am I putting in the time?  Am I doing too much copy and pasting to form ritual text, instead of really meditating on what this ritual means to me to make it mine?  Am I too scared to deviate from the given material?  Should I be?  This bears some thought, and probably a bit of meditation.  It’s certainly an interesting point.  How far should I deviate from the given guidelines in order to make it mine, yet not become completely outside the beliefs of the organizations?

First Oath (ADF Week 2: The First Oath)

I decided to attach my first oath to my ritual at the Spring Equinox.  I felt that the timing was right, ritually speaking.  I also felt ready to phrase it the way I wanted.  You can find the full ritual text here.

The First Oath itself was inserted into the Working section of the ritual.  Here is the First Oath section:

The First Oath

As with all the rituals in this book, you can make many or few offerings. Only one particular offering is required in this rite, though: the final sacrifice that seals the oath given. This can be grain or oats, or it can be something more artful, such as a ring or necklace.

You will also need to have a candle or flame, a vessel of water, and a representation of a tree (any stick, set upright, will do).

 A First Oath

 I stand supported by the Earth Mother,

Her bosom my home and rest.

I am cloaked in Inspiration,

My tongue aflame with flowing words.

I stand at the center of all:

A good fire kindled upon my altar;

A deep well flowing to the underworld;

A tree that spans the cosmos before me.

And at the center, the Crane stands with me.

Fire, Well and Tree: Flaming, Flowing, Growing.

A gate to heavens, a gate to underworld, a crossroads of all.

I call to the Ancestors, who stand beside me.

I call to the Nature Spirits, whose song is in my ear.

I call to the Deities, whose shining hands hold me:

Hear my oath as I speak it today:

 I embark on a path today, which shall lead me to new glades and deep, cool waters none have ever seen. I draw guidance from the Crane, who knows these paths, to show me the way. I vow to seek virtue in my life, to serve those who drink from these same waters and travel these same paths. I will support my community within and outside of druidry. I vow to bring with me a shield of piety, keeping the rites and works that call to me. I bring also a fire of devotion to light the way and to make my dedication plain. I vow to deepen my understanding of the Ways through study, ever seeking greater knowledge and understanding of the Divine, the world, and myself. These things I swear before divinity itself. So be it.

These things now said, I make an offering!

As I have given to the Powers, I again open to them. What guidance have you for me on my journey?



For the oath itself, I combined a few different pieces that I liked.  I used some parts from the ADF Handbook, some from the Crane Breviary, and some that I wrote myself.  I tried to incorporate these in a way that worked for me.  An oath is a serious thing.  I did not want to simply copy someone else’s or read a script.  However, there were some beautiful parts in those resources.  I made it my own, and I’m very happy with it.  I didn’t realize quite how happy until I was actually saying the words during the ritual.  I felt so much a part of what I was doing and saying.  I connected with those words more than any in the rest of the planned ritual script.

The omen: For the omens in this ritual I used the Druid Animal Oracle.  I drew three separate times (instead of drawing three at once).  After the First Oath, my omen was the Cow.  I found this to be amazingly supportive.  To know that I am surrounded by divinity, always and without conditions, is such a wonderful feeling.  This omen almost has the same meaning by the Christian quote “Be still, be still, and know that I am there.”  It is calming, and helped me to realize that it’s not always about doing the right thing or being the right way.  It’s about simply being.

Spring Equinox (ADF Week 4: First High Day Recap)

This worked out really well for my first High Day.  Since the Spring Equinox is a good time for beginnings and purification, it suited my needs well.  I still needed to do my first oath, and I also had some tools I needed purified for magical use.  I did the ritual inside, at my altar.  I will be posting about my home shrine later, once it shapes up a bit.  This is  a copy of what I printed out and used as my ritual’s “script.”  There are links within the ritual text where you can view my full entries on my First Oath and the Purification parts of the ritual, including thoughts and omens taken.

The Spring Equinox Ritual

Stand before your altar. Relax, and begin.

Feel the earth below you, the firm ground. Experience the earth as upholding you, as maintaining your weight. Feel the earth holding you, rather than you pushing against the earth.

Earth Mother, I stand upon you today and recognize that we begin with you and we will end with you. Uphold me now as I give praise, and support me as I receive blessing.

 Statement of Purpose:

 As my ancestors did before me, so I do now, and so may my children do in the future. I come into this space to celebrate the turning of the seasons, from dark to light. I make offerings to the Ancestors, the Spirits of Nature, and the Deities. I especially honor Nemetona, protectress and lady of the sacred Grove. I come to offer words of meaning and intent. I come to purify myself, my space, and my tools.

I now begin, as a member of the pious folk, to make my offerings in joy and reverence.

 The waters support and surround me.

The land extends about me.

The sky stretches out above me.

At the center burns a living flame.

I call out to the Crane, Keeper of the Gates.

Though I walk on uncertain paths,

Though I travel on unmapped ground,

Guide me, ward me, and relay my voice

As I offer prayers and praise.

 In your mind’s eye, see the sacred center open before you: watch the mists part, see the door to the Otherworld open, or watch the spiral of the magic from between the worlds reveal the Otherworld. The Gates are now open, and the true work can begin. Know that you are guarded by the Crane, a being of all three realms: land, sea, and sky.

I call out to my ancestors, those who came before me, you of my blood and you of my heart. I seek to give you praise, to remember you now, and to honor you.

Think on your ancestors: see their faces, smile with joy at their presence. If you have praise or offerings to give them, do so now.

I call out to the spirits of this place, the spirits of nature who are the soul of this land. I seek to give you praise, to call out to you now, and to honor you.

Think on the nature spirits: the faeries of the wood, the spirits of the land. If you have praise or offerings to give them, do so now.

I call out to the deities, first children, eldest and wisest. It is you to whom we look for guidance, and you who grant the greatest blessings. I seek to give you praise, to honor you now, to give you due worship.

Think on the deities: the great ones who bless our lives, who watch over us and show us that unconditional love. If you have praise or offerings to give them, do so now.

Key Offerings:

 Nemetona, Lady of the Grove,

You who gives rest to all who wander,

You who awaken the forest,

I call out to you today.

I stand at the center and offer to you:

You have sanctified my worship space,

Blessed my work within it,

And provided a safe space for all I welcome.

As I have kindled a good fire here,

Lighting the world beneath your budding boughs,

Let this space be full of laughter and joy

For as long as a good fire burns in my heart.

Nemetona, accept this offering!

 [Make any Praise Offerings to Nemetona]

 Today, I have given of my praise and myself.

With love in my heart and devotion on my tongue

I call out now, with all my soul:

Accept my sacrifice!

Take a moment to visualize, as you shout this last statement, all of your blessings, praise, and intent flowing up to the gods, out to the spirits of nature, and down to the ancestors. Hold yourself in that moment, watching your praises flow from you, and prepare yourself for what may be offered in return.

Now, take your divination tool up.

As I have given praise to the Powers, I open to them. If there are blessings to be had, what might the nature of those blessings be?


(Omen was Goose – Reversed)

Now, take these omens and concentrate on their meanings, holding forth a cup of water or other beverage, saying:

Indeed, the Powers offer me blessings. Now I seek the manifestation of those blessings, the outpouring from the Powers that offer them. To those who enter this exchange, pour forth your blessings into my cup!

Envision the blessings before you, either as a mist, or a vortex of energy, or as pictographic representations of individual blessings. Watch them pour into the cup, mixing and infusing with the liquid already inside.

This in my hands is a holy cup of magic, the great blessings offered to me as joyful return of my praises to the Kindreds. Here are the deep waters that flow within the earth and that rain from the sky. These are the waters of life!

I accept this blessing, and I drink it with love and knowledge of the Powers!



 The First Oath

As with all the rituals in this book, you can make many or few offerings. Only one particular offering is required in this rite, though: the final sacrifice that seals the oath given. This can be grain or oats, or it can be something more artful, such as a ring or necklace.

You will also need to have a candle or flame, a vessel of water, and a representation of a tree (any stick, set upright, will do).

 A First Oath

 I stand supported by the Earth Mother,

Her bosom my home and rest.

I am cloaked in Inspiration,

My tongue aflame with flowing words.

I stand at the center of all:

A good fire kindled upon my altar;

A deep well flowing to the underworld;

A tree that spans the cosmos before me.

And at the center, the Crane stands with me.

Fire, Well and Tree: Flaming, Flowing, Growing.

A gate to heavens, a gate to underworld, a crossroads of all.

I call to the Ancestors, who stand beside me.

I call to the Nature Spirits, whose song is in my ear.

I call to the Deities, whose shining hands hold me:

Hear my oath as I speak it today:

 I embark on a path today, which shall lead me to new glades and deep, cool waters none have ever seen. I draw guidance from the Crane, who knows these paths, to show me the way. I vow to seek virtue in my life, to serve those who drink from these same waters and travel these same paths. I will support my community within and outside of druidry. I vow to bring with me a shield of piety, keeping the rites and works that call to me. I bring also a fire of devotion to light the way and to make my dedication plain. I vow to deepen my understanding of the Ways through study, ever seeking greater knowledge and understanding of the Divine, the world, and myself. These things I swear before divinity itself. So be it.

These things now said, I make an offering!

As I have given to the Powers, I again open to them. What guidance have you for me on my journey?


To read my full entry on my first oath, including my thoughts and omen results, click here.

A Prayer for Purification

 [Light a candle, fill a vessel with water; concentrate on the flame]

 Sacred fire that consumes and transforms,

Burn away those things that hold me back.

Make me bright where the fire touches,

And illuminate those places cast in shadow.

[Asperse yourself with the waters]

Sacred well that flows and changes,

Wash away those things that stand in my way.

Make me shine where the water touches,

And cleanse me as it returns to the earth.

With this flame before me to light the way,

And this well beside me to quench my thirst:

Let my path be clear and bright,

As I am made shining this day.

 The Blessing of Tools

Place tools you want blessed on the altar]

 I call out now to the Kindreds:

To the Deities who make the land fertile,

To the Spirits of Nature who protect it,

And to the Ancestors who first learned to work it.

I seek to bring these blessings into my work,

To instill them in the tools I use each day.

Let the blessings of the Kindreds flow out,

Drenching my tools and the hands that hold them.

[Sprinkle the Waters of Life across the tools]

As I have given and received,

Let these blessings in the Waters flow!

Let them cleanse these tools, sharpen them,

And let them do the work they are meant to do.

[Pause, and visualize the blessings flowing into the tools]

As I take these tools up from now on,

I will know that they are blessed by the Kindreds,

That when I put my hand to them,

My hands are blessed by these powers also.

With these tools, I shall go forth with the blessings of the Kindreds.

So be it.

 And this work done, I take my omen:


To view the full entry on my experience with this purification section, including the omen and thoughts, click here.

 I thank those who have heard my words:

The Deities on high,

The Spirits of Nature in the trees,

The Ancestors who are ever there.

Garanus, your protection remains true:

Let all but myself be as it was before,

and close the Gates between worlds.

Earth Mother, your bosom is again my home and rest.

To you, I return all. This rite is ended.

 In your mind’s eye, see the sacred center close before you: watch the mists gather, see the door to the Otherworld close, or watch the spiral of the magic from between the worlds close in on the Otherworld. The Gates are now closed, and this rite is ending.

You should take all your unused offerings and empty them out, and remember that cleaning the altar and space is as important as setting it up.


Spring Equinox Prep (ADF DP Week 3: First High Holy Day)

I’ll be honest.  Every year, around this time, I become more excited about my spirituality.  It makes sense, in a way.  It’s spring.  I don’t like the cold at all, so I certainly don’t relish the idea of sitting outside for extended periods of time in the winter.  As it warms up, I want to be outside.  A lot.  Just sitting and feeling the sun on my skin is enough.  But I also crave adventures and new projects.  Spring is always a time of rebirth for me.  I shed the negative feelings and regain a positive attitude.  When the weather is warm, things bloom, colors come back… it makes me feel energized and refreshed.  This is the time of year when I get more creative, and I’m more willing to put in the work to achieve my goals.  This many years into my journey, it’s pretty much established that this is just a part of my personal wheel.  Spring means energy, new projects, new goals.  Normal people probably feel this way around New Year’s.  For me, it’s right before the start of spring.