First Oath (ADF Week 2: The First Oath)

I decided to attach my first oath to my ritual at the Spring Equinox.  I felt that the timing was right, ritually speaking.  I also felt ready to phrase it the way I wanted.  You can find the full ritual text here.

The First Oath itself was inserted into the Working section of the ritual.  Here is the First Oath section:

The First Oath

As with all the rituals in this book, you can make many or few offerings. Only one particular offering is required in this rite, though: the final sacrifice that seals the oath given. This can be grain or oats, or it can be something more artful, such as a ring or necklace.

You will also need to have a candle or flame, a vessel of water, and a representation of a tree (any stick, set upright, will do).

 A First Oath

 I stand supported by the Earth Mother,

Her bosom my home and rest.

I am cloaked in Inspiration,

My tongue aflame with flowing words.

I stand at the center of all:

A good fire kindled upon my altar;

A deep well flowing to the underworld;

A tree that spans the cosmos before me.

And at the center, the Crane stands with me.

Fire, Well and Tree: Flaming, Flowing, Growing.

A gate to heavens, a gate to underworld, a crossroads of all.

I call to the Ancestors, who stand beside me.

I call to the Nature Spirits, whose song is in my ear.

I call to the Deities, whose shining hands hold me:

Hear my oath as I speak it today:

 I embark on a path today, which shall lead me to new glades and deep, cool waters none have ever seen. I draw guidance from the Crane, who knows these paths, to show me the way. I vow to seek virtue in my life, to serve those who drink from these same waters and travel these same paths. I will support my community within and outside of druidry. I vow to bring with me a shield of piety, keeping the rites and works that call to me. I bring also a fire of devotion to light the way and to make my dedication plain. I vow to deepen my understanding of the Ways through study, ever seeking greater knowledge and understanding of the Divine, the world, and myself. These things I swear before divinity itself. So be it.

These things now said, I make an offering!

As I have given to the Powers, I again open to them. What guidance have you for me on my journey?



For the oath itself, I combined a few different pieces that I liked.  I used some parts from the ADF Handbook, some from the Crane Breviary, and some that I wrote myself.  I tried to incorporate these in a way that worked for me.  An oath is a serious thing.  I did not want to simply copy someone else’s or read a script.  However, there were some beautiful parts in those resources.  I made it my own, and I’m very happy with it.  I didn’t realize quite how happy until I was actually saying the words during the ritual.  I felt so much a part of what I was doing and saying.  I connected with those words more than any in the rest of the planned ritual script.

The omen: For the omens in this ritual I used the Druid Animal Oracle.  I drew three separate times (instead of drawing three at once).  After the First Oath, my omen was the Cow.  I found this to be amazingly supportive.  To know that I am surrounded by divinity, always and without conditions, is such a wonderful feeling.  This omen almost has the same meaning by the Christian quote “Be still, be still, and know that I am there.”  It is calming, and helped me to realize that it’s not always about doing the right thing or being the right way.  It’s about simply being.